Easy and Quick risk profile and safety check for tradesmen!

Looking at a potential job? Use our database to search millions of properties nationwide to see what expereince fellow tradies have experienced - giving you piece of mind.

Ready to hand over that quote? Add in our T's & C's giving you the option of leaving a public review for other tradesmen to assess a risk on a job.

Main Features

A one stop shop for assess a job risk profile and raising quotes or providing a generic set of legal T's & C's.

Trade focused tools

This platform is designed and built specifically for trade companies and tradesmen. From providing added security and visibilty or raising a new quote for your next job. We have it covered!

Quote Builder

Raise a quote in minutes with a pre-filled in template or in seconds for similar quotes you have raised before with out copy feature. More time on the job and less time on the admin!

Job Risk Profiler

Use our client-location review database spaning locations across the nation to see if any other trade folk have raised any issues against a particular property.

Generic Legal Contract

We've worked with solicitors to provide a comprehensive legal contract for traders to use as a part of their quote. Great if you're a trady who's decided to go at it alone. This also covers you for being able to raise a dispute against a client on our platform

Trade Focused Community

Traders nationwide raising disputes and saving others from a similar experience by raising disputes for unpleasant location specific jobs. Helping you convert on the jobs you quote more often by choosing locations with a low risk profile.

Refresh don't Redo

From disputes to quotes. Once created it's always kept safe and accessible. Need to update a quote or dispute? Easily done on mobile or desktop.

What Our Users Say

A couple of reviews from some of our top tier users and clients.

Super impressed. Had a client refuse to pay me for a job. Told me I probably couldn't lay my own wife let alone the bricks to the new wall he had me erect!!! Now other traders won't have to go through the same!

Musharof Chy
Musharof Chy

Founder @TailGrids

All our colleagues are so impressed. It's intuitive. It's clean. It's distraction free. We raise all our quotes through this system and it's a piece of cake! Use it through my mobile and it's all I need!

Devid Weilium
Devid Weilium

Founder @UIdeck

Our members are so impressed. It's intuitive. It's clean. It's distraction free. If you're building a community.

Lethium Frenci
Lethium Frenci

Founder @Lineicons

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